Vincent De Borger / Posts / Tags / terraform

Making Terraform code more modular

Infrastructure-as-Code on its own is made to make our lives easier by automating repetitive tasks. Creating a simple infrastructure using Terraform can be relatively easy, but what about our more complex/modular needs? How can we keep the level of automation IaC tools give us, but make it modular?

Deploying a Lambda function with API gateway using Terraform

For one of the courses I follow, I had to deploy an AWS Lambda function with an HTTP API gateway using Terraform. After a few hours of trial and error, searching the web and drinking coffee, I finally came to a working solution.

Working with multiple environments in Terraform

How do you manage multiple environments in a single Terraform code repository? Let's take a look at a couple of options.

Deploying and managing EC2 instances with Terraform and Ansible

The world of Infrastructure as Code is beautiful. Creating temporary architectures and easily scaling them up/down/in/out is what makes it as powerful as it is. Let's see how tools like Terraform and Ansible can work together to create fully automated infrastructure.

Setting up Kubernetes using Talos and Terraform

Discover how I used Talos, Terraform and Flux to create a secure, immutable Kubernetes cluster in minutes — automating deployment and scaling with ease.