Vincent De Borger / Posts / Tags / kubernetes

Horizontal pod scaling in Kubernetes using KEDA

KEDA extends Kubernetes' Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to offer dynamic, event-driven scaling, allowing automatic adjustment of pod replicas based on real-time application load and resource demands.

Exploring MetalLB for load balancing in scaled workloads in Kubernetes

Kubernetes offers various service types for load balancing, including NodePort, ClusterIP, and LoadBalancer. For on-premise environments, MetalLB provides a solution to implement LoadBalancer functionality and distribute traffic efficiently.

Building a Kubernetes cluster

Continuing on the "Kubernetes-ready Fedora CoreOS image"-post, we'll be taking a look at how we can build a 3-node Kubernetes cluster in minutes by utilizing our pre-configured ISO.

Scaling workloads on Kubernetes using ReplicaSets, Deployments and DaemonSets

In this post, we explore scaling workloads in Kubernetes using ReplicaSets, Deployments, and DaemonSets. Covering topics such as managing replicas, rolling updates, and distributing Pods.

Building a Kubernetes-ready Fedora CoreOS image

A Kubernetes-ready Fedora CoreOS image streamlines the process of setting up a Kubernetes cluster. It allows you to automatically configure the machine on boot, assuring you always start from the exact same environment.

Working with affinity, tolerations and taints in Kubernetes

Explore Kubernetes' affinity, tolerations, and taints to precisely control pod placement and optimize node utilization in your cluster.

Using initContainers to create dependencies on Pods

Discover how to use initContainers in Kubernetes to manage container startup order, replacing Docker Compose's depends_on feature.

Using Network Policies to Secure Kubernetes Networking

Learn how to secure pod-to-pod communication in Kubernetes with NetworkPolicies, control traffic flow, and lock down workloads for enhanced security in your cluster environments.

Setting up Kubernetes using Talos and Terraform

Discover how I used Talos, Terraform and Flux to create a secure, immutable Kubernetes cluster in minutes — automating deployment and scaling with ease.

Building a demo application in Golang

Follow along as I build a simple web application for demo-ing autoscaling functionalities in Kubernetes.